Veggie Blog
The argument in favor of using filler text goes something like this if you use real content in the design.

Use filler text where it helps your design process, but use real content if you’ve got it, as long as it doesn’t distract and slow down your design process.
Design is an evolutionary process, and filler text is just one tool in your progress-pushing arsenal. Use it where it makes sense to use it, and pull it once the natural process indicates
Surprisingly, there is a very vocal faction of the design community that wants to see filler text banished to the original sources from whence it came.
Using real content during design can distract designers and design review teams alike away from the design, and insisting on always using publication-ready
The argument in favour of use filler text goes something like this If you use real content in the design process anytime you reach a review point you’ll end up reviewing and negotiate.
Surprisingly, there is a very vocal faction of the design community that wants to see filler text banished to the original sources from whence it came.